Saturday, August 31, 2019

Frankenstein and How to Read Literature Essay

The pursuit of knowledge is the very heart of Frankenstein. Mary Shelley depicts how the very pursuit, thirst for knowledge ruined one man’s life. Victor’s life is consumed by a want for more knowledge and Mary Shelley shows the before and after effects of that relentless pursuit. Robert Walton life could also be ruined by an endless need for more knowledge. The ruthless pursuit of knowledge, of reaching for a distant light proves dangerous to both Victor and Robert. The monster, Victor’s act of creation, eventually results in the destruction of everyone dear to him and Robert’s expedition is dangerously encased sheets of ice. It is here that the two characters pursuit of knowledge diverges. Victor’s telling of his story shows the dark path his need for knowledge led him down and ultimately his obsessive hatred of the monster, his creation, leads to his death. It is the telling of Victor’s story that pulls Robert back from his single minded mission and shows him the destruction that can lead from a blinded need for knowledge. Although the monster’s learning experiences and knowledge are not as advanced as Victor and Robert’s it is significant in this book. The monster’s thirst for knowledge was driven by a need for acceptance and understanding of his creation and ultimate rejection. Chapter 10: It’s More Than Just Rain or Snow Mary Shelley uses the weather as a metaphor throughout Frankenstein. It is coupled with Victor’s sickness as a foreshadowing of coming events. The storm that occurred on the night of William’s murder is an example, a foreshadowing, of the misery caused by the monster that night. Another example of seasons and the effects of them on this story is seen when both Victor and the monster feel the lifting of their spirits during warm weather. The Alps show a spiritual awakening and self-reflection, whereas, the cold and stormy weather of the north arctic or the rain of Victor’s wedding night show depression and thoughts of death. Both examples underscore the desperation of Victor and the monster’s circumstances and remind them of their own coming doom. It is clear that the weather directly corresponds to the attitudes and feelings of the characters. Chapter 11†¦More Than It’s Going to Hurt You: Concerning Violence The use of gloomy imagery reveals the creature’s feelings of abandonment and how much his pain was greater than that of Victor’s. The creature goes through a great deal of hatred brought on by his feelings of suffering and abandonment. As the book develops Shelley uncovers levels of sadness in the creature. An observation discovered through Mary Shelley’s writing style is how she uncovers the sense of sadness in the creature. His feeling of abandonment is seen when he talks of his emotions to Victor stating, â€Å"Be calm! I entreat you to hear me, before you give vent to your hatred on my devoted head. Have I not suffered enough that you seek to increase my misery? Life, although it may only be an accumulation of anguish, is dear to me, and I will defend it† (68-69). The theme of no one listening to the monster, thereby excluding him from society, is scene throughout the book. During this passage between the creature and Victor, he explains his feelings throughout his journeys using dark imagery in his attempt to make Victor understand what he felt inside. An attempt to show Victor that his pain was greater and would hurt him more than any pain he inflicted upon Victor. The creature says that even though his life is an â€Å"accumulation of anguish†, he will continue to live because he cares about his life even though no one else does. Chapter 12: Is That a Symbol? Touches of violent imagery are given to the reader throughout the book. The violent side of the creature is unleashed and shown to the reader as he tries to find a moment of acceptance by the human community. An excellent example of this is the portion of the monster’s story where he is sharing the cottage with the Delacy family. After being rejected by society, the monster took refuge in a little barn adjacent to a small, humble cottage. Through a gap between the barn and the cottage the monster observed their behavior. He was amazed that despite their poor circumstances the Delacy family still maintained a loving relationship. The creature remarks, â€Å"When I slept, or was absent, the forms of the venerable blind father, the gentle Agatha, and the excellent Felix flitted before me. I looked upon them as superior beings, who would be the arbiters of my future destiny. I formed in my imagination a thousand pictures of presenting myself to them, and their reception of me. I imagined that they would be disgusted, until, by my gentle demeanor and conciliating words, I should first win their favor, and afterwards their love† (72). Chapter 19: Geography Matters†¦ In a person’s life social geography plays a huge role. Included in social geography are segregation, economics, class, and race. All which play a part in how a person lives and how they are treated by society. In addition to the fore mentioned factors, a person’s looks play a part in how they are looked upon by society. Deformities, monstrosity, can directly affect where a person lives and even their class. In Frankenstein, Shelley used the monster’s looks to single him out in society. The origins of his looks were the unnatural manner of his creations, and it was this origin of his looks that made everyone want to get out of his path, to cross the street to avoid contact. The monster was immediately abandoned by Victor without any direction and left to deal with preconceived prejudices people had based on his looks and no personal knowledge of his situation. The monster’s lack of knowledge as how to handle these reactions from society pushed him to commit crimes. The monster said, â€Å"I, the miserable and the abandoned, am an abortion, to be spurned at, and kicked, and trampled on† (Shelley 19). This eruption of self-pity by the monster in questioning the injustice of his treatment by society and his creator displays his inner life, giving Walton and the reader a look into the monster’s suffering and his motivation behind his crimes. Chapter 20†¦So Does Season The changes in Victor’s physical and mental state seem to mirror the changes of the seasons, or maybe these states are simply affected by the change of the seasons. An example of this would be the period in which Clerval nursed Victor back to health. During this period the season changed to spring and could be seen as signs of new beginnings. Clerval helps Victor regain his physical health and re-discover his love for the natural world he lost during his quest for creating new life. Shelley’s use of the excerpt that â€Å"Winter, Spring, and Summer passed away† during Victor’s work, does more than just inform the reader of the passing of time buts reminds the reader of the imagery relating to each of the seasons. In addition, the phrase â€Å"passed away† indicates that time Victor could have spent enjoying nature â€Å"died† while he was closed off in his laboratory. Furthermore, the excerpt describes that â€Å"The leaves of that year withered before my work drew near to a close†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The use of the word â€Å"withered† hints to Victor’s body becoming frail and unhealthy during that time. The imagery showed that Victor was in an unhealthy state of body and mind. Chapter 25: Don’t Read With Your Eyes Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, as many other works of its time, have been taken apart and studied repeatedly for underlying meaning by the author. Scholars look for an understanding of what they believe Shelley’s views and what message she was trying to give to the reader. So many have taken apart this novel, analyzing it over and over again, from many different angles, yet her work still remains a puzzle to solve. Could this perhaps be the result of over-analysis? Are scholars looking too carefully and too deeply for a meaning more elaborate than a story told by a teenager? Mary Shelley was eighteen at the time she wrote Frankenstein. Taking into account her age, is it more likely that Shelley was not commenting on social aspects but expressing feelings felt by all teenagers. Almost all of us can relate to a time when we were young and misunderstood by our parents. A time when feelings of isolation, separation and being misunderstood, were common experiences. These feelings being attributed to the monster could be nothing more than the feelings that Shelley was herself feeling at the time. Works Cited Foster, Thomas C. How to Read Literature Like a Professor: A Lively and Entertaining Guide to Reading between the Lines. New York: Quill, 2003. Print. Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft. Frankenstein or, The Modern Prometheus. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1984.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Mexico Current Issues: Drug War

?Stefan Tian Period 2 War in the Cities Recently, Mexico has been facing a horrendous civil war. This internal conflict is coming from the country’s powerful drug leaders. This epic drug war was been taking place ever since these â€Å"cartels† relocated from the South American nation of Columbia to Mexico in the mid 1980s. since then , this bloody conflict has arose several issues in Mexico. Mexico’s new president, Felipe Calderon, just recently launched an all out military campaign against these drug lords in 2007. This campaign included increased military personnel stationed in locations of intense combat. These increased troops eventually ammounted to more than 25,000 troops stationed throughout Mexico(1). But still, this drug war rages on and has dramatically affected Mexico in negative ways. If not stopped, this drug war will continually drag down the Mexican economy as well as the continued corruption of the Mexican infrastructure. One of the more shocking results of this ongoing drug war is its diminishing effect on the Mexican economy. This horrendous civil war, unfortunately takes place on Mexican soil. Specifically, it takes place in the bustling urban cities that make up Mexico’s tourism and industrial trade. For example, one of the most heated spots of this drug war is at Tijuana. This is obviousley due to its close proximity to the United States. Tijuana faces constant suburban warfare between the cartels and the mexican military. This conflict in Tijuana climaxed on April 26, 2008 when a major battle took place and ended up in the deaths of 17 people(2). Because of this extreme violence , the citizens, as well as factories of Tijuana are scared to go out of their homes or begin to operate. They have reached a mere standstill. This is a huge problem because Tijuana is Mexico’s sixth largest city and its annual GDP is higher than the nation’s average by 35,000. Its GDP is the 3rd highest in the country, closely trailing Cancun and Mexico City(3). These conflicts have been immobilizing whole cities, such as Tijuana, the whole state of Michoacan, Morelia, and Tijuana. These battles have not only been a direct detriment to the economy, but they have also provided many indirect factors. Because of all the crime and violence occuring in Mexico, foreign investors are beginning to worry about their investments. They are starting withdraw some of the money that they had put into Mexico in fear of governmental collapse. According to Mexican Finance Minister, Agustin Carstens,†the deterioriating security level is reducing gross domsetic product annually by 1 percent in Latin America’s second-largest economy. †(4) This one percent decrease is from the withdrawal of investors alone, not including the immobilization of cities and slowing of production. Now, some may argue that the drug industry has been beneficial to the Mexican economy. They claim that the illegal drug trade has been a vital part of Mexico’s international trade. According to the United Nations, the annual revenue generated by the illegal drug industry is at 400 billion dollars. (6) This money is in turn introduced to the Mexican economy, giving it substantial stipulus. While, this may be true, we have to look at the fact that in the process of acquiring this money, people’s lives were held in danger. In the process of this war, over 7768 people’s lives have been lost. (5) Also, the money that the Mexican federal government put in to counteract these illegal practices is also substantial. The 400 billion dollars gained from this trade is not worth the thousands of lives sacrificed for it. The economy has been lowering in a drastically sharp manor due to this drug war. Another major consequence of this raging drug war is that it’s corrupting affect on the Mexican infrastructure. The drug cartels have infiltrated the core of the Mexican government. They have been able to corrupt the very federal police that is supposed to combat them. Their vast influence has been able to penetrate the supposed upholders of the law. The Attorney Geenral of Mexico did a scan of his federal police force and found that 1/5 of all federal officers are now put under investigation for criminal activity. Also, 1500 AFI’s are also put under criminal activity. (7) This creates a severe unresting feeling in the mexican population as to whether who they can trust. If the drug cartels had already infiltrated the system to the point that they had influences in the very law enforcement department, that is an extensive amount of corruption. The reasons for this corruption is that these cops and federal agents see the kind of money that these cartels generate in the course of a year and they flock to them. They have a considerable amount of revenue, and these cartels know that bribing these officers would help in their peration by ten-fold. The mexican government needs to be careful of their law enforcement department and purge their systems regularly in order to get rid of the corrupted officers. This Mexican drug war has become more than just a nation wide epidemic. Its influences have begun to spread farther, into the United States as well as other South American nations. Once we do settle this conflict with the cartels, a system wide purging is needed too of the government infrastructure. What would probably work better is a whole reorganization of the sytem in order to make sure that no corrupt officers hold any power. Mexico needs to keep this situation under control in order to become one of the top world powers that it currently has the potential to be. 1. http://www. iht. com/articles/ap/2006/12/11/america/LA_GEN_Mexico_Drug_Violence. php 2. http://www. reuters. com/article/newsOne/idUSN2639514820080427 3. http://www. inegi. gob. mx/lib/buscador/busqueda. aspx? s=est&textoBus=tijuana&e=&seccionBus=bieb 4. http://www. bloomberg. com/apps/news? pid=20601087&sid=akDCw. fUKYOc&refer=home 5. http://www. eluniversal. com. mx/notas/560074. html 6. http://www. dpft. org/hernandez/ 7. ttp://ftp. fas. org/sgp/crs/row/RL34215. pdf Annotated Bibliography Cook,Colleen â€Å"Mexico’s Drug Cartels† CRS Report for Congress 2007, Oct 17. http://ftp. fas. org/sgp/crs/row/RL34215. pdf Epstein, Jerry â€Å"Esquiel Hernandez Killing† Drug Policy Forum 1998, March 15 http://www. dpft. org/hernandez/ Unknown â€Å"Ejecuciones rompen record: van cinco mil† El Universal 2008, December. http: //www. eluniversal. com. mx/notas/560074. html Gould, Jens â€Å"Mexico’s Drug War turns into Terrorism† Bloomberg 2008, Oct 20 http://www. bloomberg. com/apps/news? pid=20601087&sid=akDCw. UKYOc&refe r=home Unknown â€Å"Banco de Informacion Economica† Instituto Nacional de Estadisticas y Geografia 2005, Jun 4 http://www. inegi. gob. mx/lib/buscador/busqueda. aspx? s=est&textoBus=tijuana&e=&seccionBus=bieb Diaz Lizbeth â€Å"Seventeen Killed in Mexico’s Drug War† Reuters 2008, Apr 26 http://www. reuters. com/article/newsOne/idUSN2639514820080427 Unknown â€Å"Mexican Government sends 6500 troops to state scarred by violence,drugs, and beheadings. † Herald Tribune 2006, Dec 11 http://www. iht. com/articles/ap/2006/12/11/america/LA_GEN_Mexico_Drug_Violence. php

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Beliefs, Philosophy and Religion

One of the most notable conflicts that have been debated by many scholars since the medieval ages is the controversy regarding the place of philosophy and religion in a society. The two have been used to attack each other in order to uphold their own credibility. The study of Philosophy is directed towards the speculation of the things that govern the world and its processes, and the nature of man and his relationship with other individuals as well as with the world (Gasset, 1964). Philosophy attempts to scrutinize and make rational explication of almost everything that can be grasped by the human mind.Yet, it does not really provide sufficient and concrete answers to all its queries. Religion, on the other hand, focuses its scope on explaining things and phenomena that cannot be explained by science and at some point even those that cannot really be made explicit by philosophy. It tries to give reason for everything that is happening. Its justification for every reason that it provi des is primarily founded on faith (Nasr, 1996). Hence, by faith, it need not be verifiable. A strong faith or believe could suffice one’s doubt and hesitation. However, philosophy would not really admit faith as the justification of something.Reason cannot be supported by merely appealing to one’s faith (Leahy, 2003). Philosophy moves away from dogmatism, which is a character present in religion. Philosophy has a character of skepticism. This means that not unless something is proven to be certain (that which is indubitable or cannot be doubted) philosophy would recognize its validity (Heidegger, 1956). It entails careful and keen analysis of the subject that is being studied. Whereas in religion, it is enough that someone has faith on something in order for it to become valid (Nasr, 1996).These are the most common distinctions that distinguish philosophy from religion. The purpose of this paper is to discuss how philosophy and religion are realized in particular Schoo ls of Thought that influence China namely: Confucianism, Buddhism and Daoism/Taoism. This paper will also compare and contrast these three Schools of Thoughts with Christianity by appealing to their own definitions of Philosophy and Religion. Schools of Thought Confucianism Confucianism is an anthology of ethical values and beliefs that is often equated with religion.These values and beliefs were rooted and developed from the teachings of one of the great thinkers in China, Confucius. His teachings and philosophy were used as the foundations of laws and way of government China and later on in other Asian regions (Chai & Chai, 1973). The teachings of Confucius, like that of Socrates, were neither formally written nor published. Yet his students and disciples made the spread of his teachings. However, according to the Chinese History, most of the recordings of the Confucian teachings were burned up at some point in the Qin Dynasty (Chai & Chai, 1973).Hence, there was a conflict of int erpretation of the Confucian teachings that is evident in various strands of Confucianism. The rebirth of Confucianism was made during the Han Dynasty. It was the motivation for instituting the laws and set of rules of China. Nonetheless, it again faded after the fall of the Han Dynasty wherein Buddhism was introduced to China. Only in the seventh century that Confucianism was revived (Elman, 2002). The chief ideas that the Confucian teachings has were directed toward the ruler, upper class and scholars.Such is a great difference between Confucianism and Buddhism where the latter aims to include the common masses. The instillation of virtues to rulers and noble men is the most original concept in the Confucian teachings. The Golden Rule (Do not do unto others what you do not want others do unto you) is its most celebrated principle that which promotes harmony among all people (Chai & Chai, 1973). With this, Confucianism detests war and the employment of too many laws. Confucianism u pholds its defined five most fundamental relationships which entails varying responsibilities.These relationships include husband and wife, parent and child (filial piety), the elders and the younger ones, ruler and subject, and friendship (Elman, 2002). Among these five, filial piety is the most important relationship that is nevertheless accentuated these days in contemporary China. Lastly, Confucianism puts high regard with the notions of Heaven’s decree, Great Men and Saints, as well as in performing rituals or Li. Buddhism As mentioned earlier, Buddhism’s teachings are directed towards the general populace (Ch'en, 1972).The very concept of Buddhism is founded on the idea of the Enlightenment (wherein Buddha is said to be the Enlightened One). From then on, the goal of Buddhism is to bring man into Perfect Enlightenment or Nirvana (Hanh, 1999). Siddhartha Gautama is the Buddha. He reached nirvana or the enlightenment period through passionate contemplation. Reachin g nirvana would make one free from hunger and selfish desires. It also marks the end of suffering. Once one reaches the enlightenment period, his mind will have everlasting peace (Hanh, 1999). Buddhism advocates the method of truthful inquiry. It tells man not to be overwhelmed by their blind faith.It teaches man to become open-minded and skeptic about the things around him. In accordance with this suggested way of inquiry, Buddhism has established the Four Noble Truths. This tells man that: 1. ) all forms of being, human and other wise are afflicted with suffering, 2. ) the cause of suffering is craving (an illusion of the soul), 3. ) suffering has a lasting end in the experience of nirvana, and 4. ) enlightenment is achieved by a gradual training of the Eightfold Path. These eightfold path is directed towards the clearing of mind and action from indulgence and lustful desires (Ch'en, 1972).Buddhism does not believe in a God or the likes. There is no one that can fully control oneà ¢â‚¬â„¢s own self than him alone. Thus, one has the full responsibility of himself and his actions. And these are not predetermined by a Supreme Being. The concept of Karma is also one of the most distinct features in Buddhism (Ch'en, 1972). It pertains to the belief that all actions have subsequent consequences that are directed to the acting agent. Karma can be a good one or bad one. It depends on the nature of the action performed that produced the consequence that is reflected on the performer of such action.The concept of Rebirth can be best understood by appealing to the principle or doctrine of Karma (Hanh, 1999). Taoism/Daoism Taoism is a school of thought pioneered by Lao Tze or Lao Tzu, also one of the great thinkers in China. Taoism means the path or the way of living to obtain a harmonious relationship with the world and all its definitive processes (Po-Tuan, 2001). Taoism was started as simple philosophical discourse but eventually evolved and took the form of religion. One of its beliefs is the concept of Tao which is defined as the root cause of everything.Tao motivated the rise of the Yin Yang which causes the formation of the universe. Taoism highlights that man should live in harmony with the nature (Po-Tuan, 2001). And only when man achieves such harmony that he will leave in peace and prosperity. Taoism maintains the principle of Wu Wei or non-action which means that man should not go against the nature and must instead go with its operation (Taoist Association of China, 2002). Man need not act since the nature will do the action provided that man lives in harmony with it. Unlike, Buddhism, Taoism believes in multiple Gods.It has hierarchy of Gods that represents system of government in the ancient China (Taoist Association of China, 2002). The ethics defined in Taoism is represented by the three Jewels that which symbolizes compassion, moderation and humility (Po-Tuan, 2001). Taoism encourages the people to examine their way of living by f irst making them realize that living with accordance to nature would mean peace. It also suggests that man should not overly use his being a man. It says that man should prioritize his needs and lessen his wants and desires. Lastly, it orders man not to become egocentric and egotistic.Christianity in China Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism are the prevailing religions in China. Before the entrance of Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism are two most notable and most patronized religions in China (Legge, 2004). In fact, the two seemed to be opponents of each other primarily because of their consistent difference on particular viewpoints and issues. But the penetration of Buddhism marks a turning point with regards to the religious inclinations in China. When Buddhism entered China, it signaled the redistribution and reconstruction of religions all throughout China.Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism have been even combined at particular regions to serve as one religion. Hence, Chinaâ€⠄¢s religion cannot really be said to be concentrated with one of its three most recognized religions (Legge, 2004). In the seventh century A. D. , Christianity was introduced to China (during the Ming Dynasty) (Bays, 1999). Christianity is a very different religion as compared to the earlier religions in China. From then on, Christianity has been said to be the fastest growing religion in China. It is recorded that 40 million to 100 million of population in China are either Catholic or Protestant.This means that China has started to embrace the western religion that is very unlike with their traditional and ancient religions (Bays, 1999). The arrival of Robert Morrison in China has started the spread of Christianity towards China. The Bible has been even translated to Chinese in order to communicate with Chinese people and for them to have easy access to it. Since then, several Christian missionaries have visited and taught the doctrine of the Christian Faith (Bays, 1999). Christia nity The most celebrated feature of Christianity is the fact that it deifies one God. This God is the cause of everything and the director of everything.All man’s action is caused by this all-powerful and all-knowing God. But these descriptions do not suffice the notion of the Christian God. The concept of the Holy Trinity, salvation, and life after death are also included in the doctrine of the Christian Faith (Borg, 2004). The story of Jesus Christ and His death on the Cross is also the highlights of the Christian Faith (Borg, 2004). It represents the martyrdom of the Son of the God in order to save mankind. All in all, the Christian Faith equates all the happening in this world to what God has originally ordained to occur.And no one can interfere nor change what God has decreed. God and Fate or Destiny have been often characterized as the same thing (Borg, 2004). But the former has the most perfect and powerful character. Analysis: Compare and Contrast Confucianism and Chr istianity Among the other school of thoughts (discussed in this paper), Confucianism is the most compatible religion with Christianity. They both advocate that Heaven’s decree is the most fundamental source of order in the world (Chai & Chai, 1973). Only that, in Confucianism, there is no stress given to a god or a deity to be worshipped (Elman, 2002).Such obedience is directed to the Heaven itself. Whereas in Christianity, there is a God that is the end of one’s being obedient (Borg, 2004). As mentioned in the introduction, the defining mark that distinguishes philosophy from religion is the fact that the former repudiates dogmas that tend to confine and limits one’s way of thinking while the latter deliberately suggests and recommends particular doctrines in which one needs not to be certain of (Leahy, 2003). Philosophy speculates and examines the very concept of faith which is often used to justify religions and their established tenets.The belief of the Conf ucianism and the Christianity about the notion of Heaven’s decree obviously falls under the sphere of religion. It is primarily because the existence of such decree from heaven cannot be verified or confirmed yet can be justified through faith. Yet philosophy does not admit such finality. As cited, philosophy is still at the period of examining the very nature of faith as a source of justification of knowledge (Gasset, 1964). With regards to ethical patterns included in the Confucian and Christian faith implies that man should be virtuous in order for him to have a harmonious life.Yet both have different ways of looking at the concept of a harmonious life. For Confucianism, a harmonious life is the achievement of order in human relationships (Chai & Chai, 1973). On the contrary, for Christians, a harmonious life is being free from sins which separate man from God (Borg, 2004). Seemingly Confucian notion of a harmonious life is philosophic in nature which really explains how h armony could be affected by human relationships – that is verifiable and can be validated. Conversely, the Christian notion of a harmonious relationship is really superficial and metaphysical.One cannot really confirm the truthfulness of such statement. And it cannot even be explained by reasoning. But only faith can support it. Hence it is more of a religious belief rather than a philosophic one. Buddhism and Christianity On the other hand, Buddhisma and Christianity is not really compatible with each other (as religions). As discussed above, Christianity advocates a religion that which is primarily directed towards the belief to a God. Yet Buddhism undermines the concept of a Supreme Being that which is all-powerful and all-knowing, and that which controls man’s actions.Buddhism maintains that man can have the full control over his life therefore he does not need a god that would provide guidance and direction for him (Ch'en, 1972). Perfect enlightenment is the stage wherein a man successful reached the point of having a complete understanding of everything including his being (Hanh, 1999). For this reason, God and Buddha is never really equal to each other. Having such distinction, it can be inferred that Buddhism tends to avoid metaphysical speculation since it does not allow the concept of a supernatural entity as cause of man’s actions.Buddhism keeps its teachings to the moral standpoint and its reliance on experiential insight. Whereas, Christianity admits the existence of a God though there is no concrete and material evidence for such existence. The two can be analyzed in the light of a rationalist and an empiricist wherein Buddhism most likely supports the empiricist view of knowledge, that which lies in experience. However, Christianity supports the rationalist’s view that only reason itself even without experience can prove God’s existence. Thus, Buddhism and Christianity is really opposites of one another.Neverth eless, both of them considers codes or doctrines that are needed to achieved their established purpose (Buddhism is for enlightenment; Christianity is for salvation). Hence both suggest dogma that which their disciples must follow in order to achieved their goals. This is where religion is obviously manifested. In the first place, one can go against these codes and doctrines and look for other ways that can also bring the actualization of their goals. Philosophy suggests that one should not limit himself from what is traditionally accepted as true or what is traditionally accpeted the right way of doing something (Heidegger, 1956).Taoism and Christianity Like Buddhism, Taoism is also not compatible with Christianity. There are two major factors that make Taoism and Christianity very different with each other. The first one is that, Chirtianity is a monotheistic religion while Taoism adheres to mulitple gods hence making it a polytheistic religion (Legge, 2004). For Christians, there is only one God (The Holy Trinity is a representation of One God) (Bays, 1999). For Taoists, they have different and particular deities that vary in different regions (in China) (Taoist Association of China, 2002).Secondly, Christians believed that the order in the universe is predetermined and directed by God. On the contrary, Taoists believed that nature is responsible for whatever order the universe has. Such conceptions are significantly and obviously different. There is a semblance of philosophic character that is evident from the two. By appealing to ehtical or moral principles, Taoism suggests that man should live in harmony with nature thus also implying that man should act in accordance with what nature ordained. This appears like the Natural Law Theory.Nonetheless, Christianity upholds the Divine Command Theory which states that man’s action and all the process in the world is ordered and commanded by God or a Divine Entity. Such regard for who or what implies the order of the universe and all its processes can be considered as a philosophical discourse. Yet such is not really explicit in Christianity. On the other hand, Taoism is most likely illustratiing how nature directs and affects the universe and all the things that lie within it including the human persons and their relationship among each other (Po-Tuan, 2001).Conclusion Philosophy and religion are two different spheres. Philosophy does not provide all answers to all the questions that one can give but can provide different ways and approaches on arriving at the possible answers. Religion, in contrast, tends to have answers for all man’s questions that are founded and based on particular doctrines that it has. Yet, it does not give man the chance of verifying the truthfulness of each doctrine by means of other method but faith. Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism are the most recognize and extensively used religions in China.But after the entrance of Christianity, the Chinese tr aditional culture and relgion have changed significantly due to differences that are distinguishable from the three schools of thoughts and Christianity. The most important note here is the fact that before these schools of thought became religions themselves, they first became philosophical underpinnings which aim to make people realize the obscurity of the world. But eventually they became religions when people started to impose doctrines and rules that are grounded from these teachings in order to live harmoniously with the world.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Rehab Centers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Rehab Centers - Essay Example Drug and alcohol rehab programs are beneficial for the addicts in many ways through which individuals can not only become complete again but can live their lives to its fullest without any support from drugs or alcohol. Drug rehabs have three benefits that can be categorized as physical, emotional and mental. Drug addicts do a great harm to their physical being as they become weak internally and externally. The drug rehab programs can help them in letting go of their need of drugs which can help them recover internally such as better food digestion which can lead to becoming strong externally as well. It is also commonly seen that many individuals take drugs to hide their emotions. Drug rehab programs can help them to get in touch with those feelings and emotions although the journey is difficult but as the time progresses these individuals can again feel happy, and friendly that can heal them from the inside. The greatest benefit that rehab program can offer an individual is the peace of mind. Certain drugs are very harmful to the mind causing increased levels of anxiety and paranoia in them because of which they cannot think clearly. Rehab centers can help in overcoming this through their treatme nt programs and help them function better mentally such as making logical decisions and seeing things differently as opposed to drug addict view. Like the drug rehab centers, alcohol rehab centers can also help the individuals with alcoholism. The first benefit is that choice of choosing your own program: inpatient or outpatient program, depending on the severity of the problem. Mostly people opt for inpatient programs as they can get support at every point giving them more hope of getting rid of the problem. The second benefit of the alcohol rehab programs is the socialization of individuals with others like themselves who are in the same position giving them more support and strength to

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Business Analysis and Review of Timberland Case Study

Business Analysis and Review of Timberland - Case Study Example This relationship makes the company to give more emphasis on the societal and environmental issues and concerns. Now-a-days, it has become a trend that before buying a product, customers not only look for quality and price but the commitment from the part of that business organization as well for the common good of the society. According to a survey undertaken within the organization, most of the employees are interested in working for a socially committed company than receiving high salary. As there is a good working environment there will be less absenteeism and which means there is a reduction in the cost of recruitment, selection and training ,and leads to the over all improvement in the performance of the organization. The main drawbacks of the relationship include many employees in Timberland lost their job and the company downsized its operation. City Year faced shortage of funds as Congress threatened to withdraw federal funding. Employees of Timberland were not ready to accept the decision of diversion of a big amount to City Year. Timberland also faced financial problems which affected their social service. Association of a profit organization and a non-profit organization may raise some questions regarding its objective which is different from each other. So some adjustments might require in this regard which affect shareholders of both the organization. Main motto of Timberland behind this association was social commitment but they gave secondary or no preference to the brand and company image and also to the equity base of the company. Consider some of the other factors of this relationship such as co-dependency, drawbacks and benefits of being tied to only one community organization, exclusive sponsorship, etc. As Timberland is having association with only one organization, that is City Year, give the advantage of interdependency. In other words both the organization can make some unifies action in their policy formulation and also they can share the resources available. The disadvantage is that the society may raise question like this; if the company (Timberland) is more committed to the social service why did not they make association other charity organization. As a result of this relationship the organizations whom helped the City Year financially may withdraw their further help as City Year got sponsorship of Timberland. Now discuss each of these issues in a short narrative and then construct a Benefit/Drawback table to summarize your findings. Then discuss the impact and strategic value of each and try to determine the overall impact of this relationship: Table showing the benefits and drawbacks of relationship Parties Concerned Benefits Drawbacks The Organizations (Timberland and City Year) The reputation of the Timberland enhanced and also it resulted in increase in the business and decrease in labour turnover. As regards to City Year is concerned, financial position become strong and the interdependency helped in decision making. It led to employee dissatisfaction at Timberland as their colleagues lost their job and also it affected the financial balance of the company. With regard to City year, the association

Monday, August 26, 2019

Are criminals born or made Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Are criminals born or made - Essay Example 47 - 48). Considering the question â€Å"are criminals born or made?†, I personally take the side that criminals are not born but made. In the process of convincing the readers that criminals are made rather than born, a wide range of research evidences will be presented in this study. In the process of going through the main discussion, this study will discuss and examine the relationship between race and criminal activities throughout the United Kingdom. To strengthen the argument that criminals are made and not born, some gathered past and recent facts and figures which are significantly relevant in suggesting a strong relationship between race and crime will be provided in details. Criminals are made not born. This argument can be noted in response to the socio-economic difficulty that takes place over the past few years. As a result of high unemployment rate, the economic recession that took place recently has led to an increase in the number of violent crime and burglaries throughout the United Kingdom. Criminal activities are referring to any forms of act which are illegal and could either directly or indirectly cause physical, mental, or emotional harm aside from the possibility of incurring financial and property loses towards another person. Among the type of criminal cases that occurs in the United Kingdom includes: violence, sexual offences, robbery, burglary, theft and handling, fraud and forgery, drug offences, and motoring offences among others (Jones & Singer, 2008, p.94). Many people have the wrong connotation that criminal behaviour is hereditary such that people who belong to either the black population and/or the other minority groups have more courage to actively participate in notorious gangs that are prone to committing different types of criminal activities ranging from simple vandalism of public property and thieves up to a certain degree wherein they commit violent crimes related to murder

South Garden Chinese Restaurant - Company Analysis Research Paper

South Garden Chinese Restaurant - Company Analysis - Research Paper Example It could be noted that the stabilization and the further growth of the company could be achieved under the following terms: the measures suggested should be supported both by the management team and the employees. Cooperation across the organization should be improved; in this way, the resistance to the suggested changes could be controlled, a fact that could increase the chances for successful implementation of the relevant plans. In general, the current business structure and operational rules can be characterized as satisfactory (as also described in the business website). However, the declining popularity of the business is a problem, which should be, resolved the soonest possible – before leading to severe loss of profits. The quality of food is a key criterion for the competitiveness of the organization. Currently, the business offers a menu, which is rather common – among restaurants of this type; however, it is clear that a gap exists in the menu: the needs of p eople who prefer organic meals are not addressed. The introduction of recipes based on organic ingredients would increase the restaurant’s customer base; also, long-term customers would also appreciate the specific initiative – an increase in orders from existing customers could be also achieved (Liu and Jang 338). The realization of such plan would require the training of the restaurant’s chefs, a plan that could be easily developed though taking into consideration the level of expansion of such initiatives in the restaurant sector worldwide. It should be noted that the above plan would also require an accurate cost management plan, meaning that the profits generated – or those expected – from these meals would be higher compared to the cost of the ingredients used for their preparation. Because of the increase of organic farms across USA, a balance between cost and profit could be easily achieved, especially if appropriate arrangements are made w ith the firm’s existing suppliers. Another business sector, which would be reviewed, trying to improve organizational performance, would be the workplace. Reference is made to the firm’s employees who are, in the their high majority Chinese. This practice should be changed; Americans should be also hired trying to show the lack of discrimination in the organization; another benefit of such initiative would be the following one: the number of Americans visiting the restaurant would be increased – preferring to being served by people of the same nationality. At the same time, the firm’s existing employees should be offered appropriate training, aiming to improve their communication with customers. Moreover, the use of innovative features for improving the image of the restaurant – as a competitive business in Miami – could be proved particularly helpful towards the increase of the firm’s competitiveness: the provision to the customers o f a unique Chinese cooking show on a regular basis, for instance once a week or every month, could be a successful strategy of such type. One of the business sectors, which should be thoroughly reviewed for improving organizational performance, would be marketing. Currently, the business uses a common method of marketing, leaflets with the restaurant’s menu and its offers are distributed locally, to residents and businesses of Miami. Moreover, a delivery service is used for reaching customers who do not have the time to visit the restaurant. However,

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Business Environment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business Environment - Assignment Example Fred Smith was the founder of the company. Recently it has been converted into Public Limited Company. The subsequent part of the project would be dealing with the changes that have taken place in the business environment of the computer industry in the form of an informational report. Purpose The main purpose of the organizations like Smith Electronics is offering quality products to the customers so that they can assemble the computer according to their own wish. The company facilitates the customers by offering them a wide range of quality products. These products are manufactured by taking into consideration three main factors: a) Cost Effectiveness, b) Modularity and c) Maximum Reliability. The company aims at achieving customer satisfaction by means of efficient and proficient personnel. The company’s team of professionals has good understanding of the industrial necessities which would help them in upholding the managerial works in an excellent manner. The purpose of th e organization is making consistent performance by manufacturing quality products so that it supports Smith Electronics in having huge acceptance throughout the UK market and European Union. The company plans to perform its functions along with maintenance of smooth cooperation with the valued customers. The latest technologies which are user friendly are implemented within the products in order to increase the demand as well as the customer satisfaction. The goal of the organization is to make the experience of the customers highly satisfactory and convenient. This enables making long term relationship with them. The professionals in the company are employed after proper testing of their skills. In order to provide excellent experience to the customers, the employees are trained specially about how to interact with the customers. The success of an organization depends to a great extent upon the demand of its products and services in the operational market. Smith Electronics focuses on increasing the annual demand of its products which might help it in achieving a global recognition. The organization is committed towards bringing excellent computing experience to the customers in United Kingdom and European Union. The goal of the company would stimulate its performance by guiding the operational activities. However, Smith Electronics holds good position in the computer industry of United Kingdom and European Union in aspects of the customer service, product quality and the store’s design. The extent to which Smith Electronics meets the objectives of the stakeholders The business objectives are those ends which the organizations set out for achieving. The organizations plan for strategies in order to achieve these objectives. The stakeholders are important part of the organization (Phillips 6). The objectives of Smith Electronics are set by balancing the demands of the stakeholders in the organization as maintenance of cordial relationship with them is v ery important (Svendsen 2). The objectives of the organization have been established after blending the interests of all the stakeholders. The stakeholders of Smith Electronics always have an influence in its actions or operations. The major stakeholders include the shareholders, employees, creditors, bondholders and customers (â€Å"American Institutes for Research Capstone Project†

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Muslim Insurgency in Thailand Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The Muslim Insurgency in Thailand - Essay Example Thailand - A Brief History: It is prudent to include a brief history of the country so as to analyze whether the present disturbances faced by the country has any its roots in its history. Thailand is credited to have been in existence from the late 1300's itself and till 1930, was known as the Siam. Even though, it is a constitutional monarchy, the country had its shares of coups and the last one had happened as late as September 2006. 95% of its population is Buddhist, with Muslims constituting a meagre 4.5% and other minority groups forming the rest. Its main source of income is through exports of electronics and machinery. Tourism too is a major revenue earner and Pattaya beach is a very popular tourist destination. It has a healthy per capita income of USD 3700 and an envious unemployment rate of only 1.5% of the labor force. "Thais date the founding of their nation to the 13th century." (Background Note: Thailand: Profile: History, 2008). The Ongoing insurgency in Thailand: Since 2001- the same year that Thaksin Shinawatra assumed the prime ministership of Thailand - the Southern provinces of Yala, Pattani, and Narathiwat have been rocked by almost unprecedented violence. Although some accounts trace the cite January 4th, 2004 - the date of an attack on an army base in Narathiwat (which produced four deaths) and 20 school burnings - as the true start of the violence that has since continued unabated. In what amounts to the gravest political violence in Thailand's recent history, during 2004 and 2005 almost 2,000 separate assaults shook the three Southern promises and claimed more than 1,000 lives. Though Prime Minister Thaksin was celebrated by some for his "businesslike solutions" to various problems, following the January 2004 assaults, his government and forces responded to the violence with hard-line tactics that apparently including a number of covert, illicit actions on the parts of military and security person nel. Yet the imposition of martial law throughout the South and intense, heavy-handed policing tactics failed to staunch the deadly attacks. Indeed, the assaults appeared to become ever more sophisticated and more fatal. The roots of ongoing crisis date back more than 100 years to the prolonged fighting which led the annexation, in the early twentieth century, of the majority-Muslim Malay sultanate of Pattani into the Kingdom of Siam. Such analysts note that, for decades following the annexation, the Thai regime employed authoritarian policies intended to consolidate an expanded, Thai-dominated nation-state, moving aggressively to prevent Malay-Muslims from preserving their traditional cultural and ethnic identities. Perhaps not unsurprisingly, many Malay-Muslims resisted official policies that sought, in effect, to eradicate their traditions and clamored for separation from Thailand, but the Thai regime responded to that resistance with even fiercer and more repressive measures. Fr om the 1960s and into the late 1980s, "separatist" groups were active in the South, with levels of tension and violence reaching particularly high levels during the 1970s, when the so-called "separatist movement" reached a peak. During the 1980s, the Thai government under Prime Minister General Prem Tinsulanond initiated new policies towards

Friday, August 23, 2019

Ethics study case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ethics study case - Essay Example The case illustrates two applicable facts into principle of beneficence; the employer’s act not to remove or cover the asbestos rich cables threatens harm on the employees’ lives while an act of whistle blowing threatens the organization’s corporate image and legal liability. Confidentiality is another applicable principle to the case and defines the obligation to maintain privacy of a person or institution’s sensitive information and whistle blowing puts the principle at stake. Lawfulness, another applicable ethical principle, defines the knowledge of laws and their implementation and applies to the organization that should be aware of and uphold health and safety laws and yet ignores the rules. The organization’s failure to remove or cover asbestos pipes is wrong because it contravenes principles of beneficence and lawfulness. The conflict is prioritization of the interest to safeguard the job, employees’ lives, and the organization and it affects the department’s employees at individual level, their families and the society at group level, and also the organization (Pfeiffer and Forsberg 15- 19). Options in resolving the problem from different ethical perspectives Utilitarianism defines ethics from an act’s consequence. ... re to asbestos, effects of the diseases on the employees such as death and incapacitation, and consequences on families and the society would however be more harmful than the company’s financial loss in lawsuits and from poor corporate image. This is because loss of lives or body parts is more significant than financial losses that the company may incur. This justifies ethics in whistle bowing. The scope of deontology ethics that is based on rules and obligations also justifies whistle blowing that is supported by established laws on health and safety at the work place. This is because the organization has decided to operate contrary to the rules that establish its duty to ensure a safe work environment. The general obligation to ensure safety of other members of the society also justifies whistle blowing in the case. Virtue ethics, with its basis on character such as respect of people’s lives and welfare and integrity also identifies whistle blowing as the solution tow ards protecting the employees’ lives by justifying an employee’s integrity and strong personality in raising the red flag (Brooks and Dunn 182- 188). My perceived solution My perceived solution to the case is to expose the condition to relevant agencies for appropriate measures. This would involve a formal communication to the organization’s management of intentions to seek external interventions towards protecting employees’ welfare. I would then write to both the State Department of Health and the Environmental Protection Agency to inform them of the asbestos exposure at the workplace and the organization’s position against removing or covering the asbestos cables. I would then submit a copy of each letter to the organization’s management before remittance to the agencies. The proposed

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Poverty and Crime Essay Example for Free

Poverty and Crime Essay â€Å"A study found that Americans who are living in extreme poverty has reached a 32-year high. This rise in poverty extends beyond ghettos and reaches to suburbs and rural communities. Poverty and crime has been a controversial subject over the years. Scholars argue that poverty does not have a relationship to crime because there are countries where poverty is very high but the crime rate is low. In the US it would be hard to argue that there is not a relationship between crime and poverty. The poor people make up an overwhelming majority of the people behind bars. Sociologist and criminal justice scholars have found a direct connection between poverty and crime. An economic theory of crime assumes that people weigh the consequences of committing crime. In an environment of extreme poverty, system failures abound. Establishing satisfying employment and economic well-being are important factors for successful reintegration from prison to the community. It will take all of us working together to make a real impact on this problem († The Crime rates get higher as the poverty rates increase in America. But why do this happen, is it because people are getting desperate or is it just a consequence. A reason could be that people are running into conflicts. But another reason could be that some people look how others function and how they solve their problems. Or is it just how people label other people contributes the way they act in society. It is also possible that poverty is because of the culture of poverty. Conflict theories are the social, political or material inequalities of a social group, which detract from structural functionalism. People run in to conflicts in their life weather if there small or big, but the size of the problem is the individual’s decision. Some people resort to crime only if the cost or consequences are outweighed by the benefits to be gained. So if someone lost a job or needs money as fast as possible they are more likely to commit like burglary, mugging, larceny, or theft. Another conflict could be if someone finds out that a close friend is in trouble and they need money and they do what they have to help them out.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Intelligence led policing Essay Example for Free

Intelligence led policing Essay The terrorist attacks of September 2001 had several governments taken aback of their incapacity to detect and prevent crimes of such magnitude. The United State’s Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Defense, for example, have been working extra hard to detect and thwart such mishaps now and in the future. In order to realize this, most aspects of national security have been reviewed by various governments around the world (Wisler and Onwudiwe, 2009). One of these aspects is intelligence improvement and use for both internal and international security. Of most importance is internal security, given the fact that crimes such as international terror are planned and carried out by deterrents that are already living among us. Because the police have the mandate to provide internal security, they require effective intelligence to enable them to collect and act on any information related to looming attacks and dangers. Apart from intelligence led policing, there are numerous other types of policing. However, the main ones are: knowledge-based policing, problem based policing and community policing. For any crime type to be bunged, the intelligence used by police ought to be based on all possibly available information and data, collected and thoroughly evaluated. Intelligence has been defined in multiple ways. For the sake of this discussion, we will settle on a single definition: it is collecting data and information precisely touching on crime, analyzing and drawing conclusions on it. Therefore, intelligence is not any kind of information but that which has been studied and quality conclusions made on it. Intelligence can then be used to inform any concerned decision maker of the several available choices. The security personnel of any department, either the police or the military, can then draw on the analyzed findings to carry out their duties of preventing and stopping crimes by strategizing and laying good plans on how to achieve their set objectives. Intelligence led policing is a structured method of collecting, analyzing and evaluating data and information related to crime. The analyzed information is then used to guide the institutions which enforce law in determining their actions. It was first used in the United Kingdom in 1990 and later received a huge acceptance in the United States after the 2001 terrorist attacks. The Kent police in the UK used this kind of policing on car stealing, home breaks and certain types of crimes which were then considered high priority. The world’s governments later decided to use this method alongside others to curb international crime especially terrorism and to react effectively to simpler crimes at the domestic front (Wisler and Onwudiwe, 2009). The problem based policing is broad in its coverage bearing its stand on the notion that other types of policing are not committed to solving the basic criminal acts. While it concentrates on crimes that need the attention of the police and that it handles other issues other than implementing crime prevention programs, is not able to cover all sorts of crimes. On the other hand Public policing usually focus on a single type of crime for example street gangs only. It is normally used when certain crimes occur and their area of operation is the streets. It is also effective in the sense that the time, when the required information is obtained and when action is taken on it, is relatively short. Its mainstay is to deter and disable unlawful trends. Criminals are also profiled to help in analysis. Finally, its approach involves the use of tour of duty personnel, strategic divisions and detectives.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Concepts Of Equality And Inclusion

The Concepts Of Equality And Inclusion In my essay my intention is for the reader to gain an insight to the effectiveness of legislation and currents Scottish Government policy through various factors. These factors being prejudice, discrimination, poverty, stereotyping, and promoting social justice and inclusion. I have also looked into diversity and how the above factors can influence in an early year setting. With having an insight to multiple identities, I have considered its application to policy and practice in the early years settings. Siraj Blatchford, (2006) describes multiple identities, as Identity formation is a complex process that is never completed. She believed individuals experience of gender, class, and other formative categories will form ones identity. Identity can be described as a kaleidoscope, suggesting children are all individuals and differences in people. Parents views, media images, and the childs own perceptions based on their experiences and the values they have been shown can shape their identity. Children may have had a strong role model in their life absent and have a negative perception of people. Siraj Blatchford, (1998) stresses the importance to avoid stereotyping and the role an early years staff need to be vigilant of this and to take an active role in planning for, that avoid stereotyping supporting and developing individual childrens identities as masterful learners of a broad and balance curriculum. Children at my placement had the opportunity to express their own identity through their own planning. This is evident in Task 1 (Appendix-A:1). Standard 11 from the National Care Standards (2005), Each child or young person has access to a sufficient and suitable range of resources. Point 1 of Standard 11 indicates this should be apparent with providing multi-cultural materials. Legislation such as the Equality Act (2010) provides todays society a law that protects individuals from unfair treatment and promotes a fair and more equal society. Early year practitioners need to be aware of this act. This will then strengthen their knowledge and help towards preventing discrimination and inequality. Early years practitioners are also protected by the legislation. Whilst on placement I researched what resources they had to meet all individual and multiple identities. This is evident in Task 2 (Appendix A:2). This is also inline with Getting it right for every child, (2007) were is states Children and young people should be involved in planning according to their age, stage and understanding. Practitioners then are putting the child needs at the centre and develop a shared understanding within the setting and across agencies. There are eight sub headings that Scotland feels Children in Scotland should have met. These are Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible, and Included. A plan may be put in place if a child is not being able to achieve one of the above. A plan is put in place for the childs goals to be accomplished and to monitor the childs progress. A child with this assessment tool is having their individual needs looked at. In Task 1(Appendix A:1) it is evident demonstrating how the setting dealt with a child who had specific individual needs and who the setting was in partnership with. Staff should be aware how they treat children as individuals to avoid stereotyping what a girl can play with and what a boy can play with. For example a boy should not be discouraged from playing in the home corner as that would be stereotyping it should only be girls. This is outlined in Lindon, (1998). Children should be able to choose and play with what they want. Staff should be aware of their language towards children and shouldnt suggest strong boys or a clever girl to pass on a message. This was outlined in my observations where the children had the choice to choose what they want to play with and what area in the playroom. This is outlined in Task 1 (Appendix A:1) . Early years establishments should consider The Race Relations Amendment Act, (2000). This act protects staff from being racial abused promotion of good equality to all people regardless of their racial groups. Milner, (1983) demonstrated children have shown positive and negative feelings about people from a different race from themselves. As a practitioner ensuring they portray a positive image to all will discourage negative and racial prejudice whilst making children aware not everyone is the same. Planning with Curriculum for Excellence (2009) will encourage for children to be Responsive Citizens which covers respect for others and understand different beliefs and cultures. In early years settings it is predominately females but a mixed work force is an advantage for children and staff. Children should have positive relationships with females and males. There should be a staff employment process and policy to prevent stereotyping and discrimination when recruiting. Staff should also speak to male guardians when they come to collect the child rather than only speaking to the mothers. This would be deemed as prejudice towards the male role of parenting. In my placement they had a recruitment policy, which was visible at the entrance. This is outlined in Task 3 (Appendix A:3). HMIE The Child at the Centre, (2007) indicator 9.1 looks at promotion of positive attitudes to social and cultural diversity. By talking to both female and males parents the vision is shared and all are working together. This means all involved with the setting have a shared knowledge of the setting aims and values. In point 9.1 is also describes the importance of celebrating diversi ty and inclusion. This is a key point as it may then promote positive attitudes in which will have a knock on effect on the child perception of what is acceptable. Whilst having protection for children and their rights, each child should be treated as an equal whilst getting their individual needs met. All children should be treated fairly regardless of their home circumstances. Children have a better prospect to a brighter future in life if legislation is in place. Pre-school is important for children to receive positive messages and learn values of others. If children are in a minority in a nursery class they are more likely to find it difficult if labelled or stereotyped. This is in-line with what Dowling, (2010) believes children will learn from the message received from the adults in their life and through modelling. Acts are put in place to protect children and others. The Children (Scotland) Act 1995 protects the welfare, safety and rights of the child. Childrens participation in family, community and culture makes a particular contribution to their life (Waller, 2005). Early year settings should be making it their duty to work well together with parents, authorities and agencies to tackle issues against class, poverty and discrimination. Also staff should be aiming for all childrens outcomes to be achieved regardless of their class, so children dont fall into a low class society due to lack of opportunities. As a practitioner I have a responsibility to use legislation in my practice and portray positive images to children about all being equal and treated fairly which is in-line with National Care Standards, (2005), Standard 8, point 1. The Equality Bill, (2009) is to reduce socio-economic inequalities. It gives each individual opportunity to succeed to build a modern prosperous society, tackling any barriers that hold people back. If people receive help they wont begin to have a sense of hopelessness. Services should be aiming for all childrens outcomes to be achieved regardless of their class, so children dont fall into a low class society due to lack of opportunities. Equally Well, (2008) is The Scottish Government approach to tackling poverty and to improve the health in Scotland. It covers points, which will influence a child opportunity in life. Childrens circumstances in the earliest years of life are critical to future health inequalities. If work can be put in place at the earliest stage possible it achieve to an ending of the cycle of todays health inequalities which is what the parents passes onto the child and affecting their future. Equally well, (2008) is also in line with the Scottish Government policy, Early Years Framework, (2009). Through this they hope to change the focus from crisis intervention to prevention and early intervention. Achieving Our Potential (2008) also is a framework, which is trying to tackle poverty in todays society. The Government through this policy is aiming to support those who are in poverty or any individuals that in risk of falling into poverty. In Scotland they found 17% of Scotland population was affect ed by relative poverty. The Early Year Framework, (2009) aims to provide children the best start to their life through the support of families, communities and services. Further more if all working together it should help to improve the state of people health through, less stress for parents as receiving support, safer housing and environments for children to develop and learn. It will also improve engagement with children and families. The framework works along side the UN Convention on Rights of the Child, (1989). One of the points which is important for early years setting to be aware of is Article 27 Children grow up free from poverty in their early years and have their outcomes defined by their ability and potential rather than their family background. This applies to all children regardless of their age, gender, race, culture beliefs and social status. According to Bennett and Moss report, ( 2009) Working with Diversity: summary of a discussion paper for Children in Scotland. They believed some children services help contribute to social justice. One of the key themes being working with ethnicity and poverty They believed that children with a lower socio-economic groups are statistically likely to have poor outcomes on a wide range of measures. These outcomes include the childs family stability, attendance in class, health and employability opportunities. Children from an excluded ethnic background will be even more likely to have poorer outcomes due to be socially excluded. Additionally they also felt the government should give children a fair start in life which is very similar to what the Early Years Framework, (2009) is trying to achieve. Services for children then have an important role in looking at children at individuals and promote their learning regardless of any ethic background. This is evident from my placement in Task 1 (Appendix A:1). The placement also offered praise to the children through various ways and is inline with the setting prompting Positive behaviour policy. This is evident in Task 2 and Task 3 (Appendix A:2 and A:3). This promotes the identities of the children and is a fair process for all promoting inclusion. Point 1.1 of the Scottish Social Services Council Codes of Practice for Social Service Workers, (2002) is to treat each person as an individual. The codes is an agreed document which is active as services Workers are adhering to working in services to provide the best possible care to the needs of others and following a conduct of practice. Point 1.6 Respecting diversity and different cultures and values. This point is valuable to be respectful of individual identities and their backgrounds. Early years staff on my placement all held a enhanced disclosure from Disclosure Scotland, (2002), which is where adults working with children are vetted against any convictions and details any list they are on which inhibits them to work with children. It means the person working with a child is safe to do so and plays an important part of the recruitment process that all individuals will undertake due the nature of work. This is line with the placement policy on Selection Process For Staff and is in-line with HMIE Child at the Centre, (2007) indicator 1.2. The indicator implements what is the lawful requirement for the setting whilst following legislation and codes of practice. Maslow hierarchy of needs is a triangle of needs he believed human beings have to work through. According to Maslow one stage had to be satisfied in order to process to the next stage. A child in poverty will struggle to move from the physiological needs stage as poverty will inflict on the amount of food and warmth they have. The next stage takes into account of safety, which may not be ideal for people living in rural areas due to poverty. Carneiro, (2007) showed that parental interest has a strong impact on the development of cognitive and social skills. Parents with high interest for preschool education will send their child to a good learning environment. According to Sammons, ( 2005) children who have no pre-school have lower cognitive scores and social abilities. This will then have a knock on effect to the child abilities to succeed as they grow. Parents are encouraged to take an active role within the setting I was on placement at. This is evident in Task 3 (Appendix A:3). By involving themselves they are working alongside the team and provides the parents the opportunity to build positive relationships. With all parents being welcomed they will feel valued and are being treated as an equal. It also gives parents the opportunity to find out information about the childs home life. With thinking about my placement and its stage of understanding social justice and inclusion I began to think of Siraj Blatchford, (1996) stages of equality practice. With the 6 stages I feel my placement lies within Stage 4. They do celebrate different cultures and follow policies around equal opportunities, Partnership with parents and promotion of positive behaviour. With the partnership policy all parents are welcomed and individual talents are also encouraged for the children learning. This is outlined in Task 2 and Task 3 (Appendix A:2 and A:3). There are no male members employed at the moment within the setting I was placed at, so dads and other significant male figures are encouraged to play their role within the setting. This too then set out equalities within the setting and offers a different kind of learning for the children. They have a wide range of cultural activities in which the children can choose they are not only set out when its the time of a particular festival. The setting has a wide range of learning materials for the children learning around different cultures. This is evident in Task 1(Appendix A:1) Children can also explored new resources with their own choice; this is evident in Task 2 (Appendix A:2). The general ethos of the setting is to respect all and is this evident throughout the setting. This is evident throughout Task 1-3(Appendix A:1-A:3). As stated in Malik, H (2003) within my role I should be providing the best possible care and a high level of service in my practice as it reflects equal opportunities policies and practices. This is where it is logical to have a clear understanding of policies and the government initiatives to make Scotland a better society for the future of todays children. In practice today practitioners need to be able to treat children as individuals and demonstrate a positive attitude to abolish negative traits such as stereotyping, prejudice and judging others social class. By offering a good learning environment for children such as pre-school, school and open play areas, it will give them the opportunity for the best start in life. This is in-inline with an approach from Achieving Our Potential, (2008). Legislation and policies in this piece of writing play a crucial role in early year settings. Equality and fairness should be a robust significance throughout a setting to promote inclusion an d multiple identities. All involved in a setting are treated in a non-discriminatory and respectful manner. This is in-line with HMIE The Child at the Centre, (2007) Point 5.6.

The Virtual Umwelt :: Internet Communication Essays

The Virtual Umwelt In my last reflexive paper titled Semiotics in Cyberspace (April, 1995), I referred to the following statement from Philip Elmer-DeWitt's article Welcome to Cyberspace: What is it? Where is it? And how to get there?: "Stripped of the external trappings of wealth, power, beauty and social status, people tend to be judged in the Cyberspace of the Internet only by their ideas and their ability to get them across in terse, vigorous prose." This statement was used to prove a point in that context. The point was that Cyberspace is a place for the discovery and exploration of semiosis. I found Elmer-DeWitt's comment to be an excellent example of the kinds of issues that semioticians could argue about when analyzing the semiosis of the Internet. In his statement, Elmer-DeWitt depicts Cyberspace as what appears to be a world without umwelts. He implies that the only reference we have from others in Cyberspace is their writing and composition abilities (as if those by themselves were not signs leading to a million interpretations). I very much disagree with Elmer-DeWitt's argument. Semiosis in Cyberspace is a lot more complex than just the act of signification from writing styles and well chosen words. Most of us would agree that when communicating through the Internet we all must realize that we do so with other human beings, not with machines. Those machines might be considered to be one of the components of our umwelt in the context of that experience. The technological devices we need to interact with are bear essentials of Cyberspace and they establish the first element of characterization we use to impersonate other human beings. We know that our correspondents must have access to the technology and should have a certain amount of skills in order to get to Cyberspace. By simply making this assumption (which in most cases is true) we are issuing a set of new set of labels and re-localizing our correspondents in a specific spot within our umwelts. We might very easily connect characteristics like the access to highly technological devices with a relatively high socio-economical status or with a certain level of academic achievement. I also believe that most of us conduct very dynamic communications through the net. We do not just read messages. Instead, we try to find out more from the person who wrote it. We start by looking at things like their e-mail addresses.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The American Dream in F. Scott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby Essay exam

The American Dream in F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is a brilliant illustration of life among the new rich during the 1920s, people who had recently amassed a great deal of wealth but had no corresponding social connections. The novel is an intriguing account about love, money and life during the 1920s in New York. It illustrates the society and the associated beliefs, values and dreams of the American population at that time. These beliefs, values and dreams can be summed up to what is termed the 'American Dream'; a dream of money, wealth, prosperity, and the happiness that supposedly came with the booming economy and the get-rich-quick schemes that formed the essential underworld of the American upper-class society. This withering theme presents itself in the novel through many of its characters. The writing style throughout The Great Gatsby is terse and though the book is depressing at times, its overall message of hope and the American dream is inspiring. The story begins when Nick Carraway, a young man, moves to New York from the Midwest to join the bond business. There, he soon becomes acquainted with his wealthy neighbor Jay Gatsby, and they become good friends. Gatsby confides in Nick and tells him that he is in love with Nick?s cousin, the beautiful Daisy Buchanan. However, she is already married to the young and successful Tom Buchanan, who is unfaithful and has an affair with poor George Wilson?s wife. ?Daisy and Tom were sitting opposite each other at the kitchen table? They weren?t happy? yet they weren?t unhappy either? (Chapter 7, pg.148). Later, Nick arranges a meeting between Gatsby and Daisy but soon after, they became involved in a love affair. It is revealed that many years ago, Gatsby and Daisy were in love, but Daisy would not marry him because he was rather poor. Gatsby, however, made his fortune and became determined to win Daisy?s heart. ? [Gatsby] wanted to recover something, some idea of himself perhaps, that ha d gone into loving Daisy. His life had been confused and disordered since then, but if he could once return to a certain starting place and go over it all slowly, he could find out what that thing was? (Chapter 6,pg. 111-112). Towards the end of the story, however, Tom finds out about Gatsby and Daisy and a heated argument ensues. That fateful night, returning to th... ... intriguing way. [Gatsby] stretched out his hand desperately as if to snatch only a wisp of air, to save a fragment of the spot that she had made lovely for him? (Chapter 8, pg.153). Moving beyond style, the book pushes past the basic story line and becomes very symbolic. The characters, setting, and events that take place are all telling of the American dream in the twenties. It depicts people who let wealth determine their lives. It emphasizes how money and people?s desire for money can stand in the way of true happiness. The Great Gatsby realistically portrays both the best and the worst of human attributes and allows any reader to identify with the characters, no matter how far-fetched this might seem. F. Scott Fitzgerald?s novel is the epitome of the American literary accomplishment and a must read. In writing this novel, Fitzgerald achieved in showing future generations what the early twenties were like, and the kind of people that lived then. He did this in a beautifully written novel with in-depth characters, a captivating plot, and a wonderful sense of the time period. Works Cited: Fitzgerald, Scott F. The Great Gatsby. Simon and Schuster, New York. 1925.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Abortion Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Abortion has been around since ancient times as a crude method of birth control. Many religions during this time forbade the practice of abortion. Abortion was not illegal in most countries until the 19th century. The law against abortion during this time period forbade the procedure after fetal movement could be felt. However in the 20th century many nations began to relax their laws against abortion. Today, all types of abortions are legal except the partial birth abortion, which will be described later. This procedure is only allowed if the fetus is showing severe deformities.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"An abortion is the termination of pregnancy before birth, resulting in, or accompanied by, the death of the fetus†(Encarta Encyclopedia). Not all abortions are intentional- these are specified as miscarriages. A miscarriage is when the fetus does not develop properly or the mother has some type of injury or disorder that is harmful to the fetus and causes it to die. I will go into great detail about the abortions that are induced, because the pregnancy is unwanted or presents a health risk to the mother.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are different types of procedures that are used determining the length of the pregnancy. The age of the fetus, or the length of the pregnancy establishes the method that is chosen.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first method uses two drugs that when put together cause the death of the fetus. Misoprostol and methotrexate, an anticancer drug, interfere with cell division. A doctor first injects the pregnant women with the drug methotrexate, and then a week later misoprostol. Misoprostol lead to uterine contractions and forces out the fetus. This combination is 95 percent effective is most women who consume them. Yet, with most drugs they cause side effects. The most common side effects are nausea, cramping, and bleeding. There are more serious side effects such as, arrhythmia, edema, and pneumonia, which affect the heart and lungs and further causes death.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the first four to six weeks of pregnancy, the procedure called preemptive abortion is done. Which corresponds with the method done the first six to eight weeks, early uterine evacuation. Both these procedures are done by the insertion of a narrow tube called a cannula into the cervix and then into the uterus. The cannula is then attached to a suction device, which could be a syringe or somethin... ...a Catholic high school I was taught the laws of the Church. Yet, I don’t know if I would be able to follow those laws if I was presented with that situation at this time in my life. I also feel that even if laws are passed making abortion illegal, it will still be present in our world. People will find a way to have the procedure done. Whether in a dark alley, or in a certified doctor’s office with a doctor who’s looking to make some extra cash. Once the idea is put into someone’s mind, it will never disappear. Someone will always be willing g to provide you, the women, with the procedure. This is also the case with many worldwide issues today. Such as, euthanasia, racism, and certain drug use. I know I sound as if I am contradicting myself by saying; no you shouldn’t kill because it is morally wrong, yet if I were to get pregnant I would seriously consider having an abortion. It really boils down to one point- I am not ready for such a problem. I do not have the authority to take someone’s life away from them, which is only to be decided by God but I’m not ready to bring a child into this world either. For now on I will be cautious, and put great thought into my decisions.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Role of the Writer in Society

Formative assignment: discuss the role of the writer in society, with reference to specific examples. The ‘writer’s’ role is vital to society in many ways. From the newspapers that are written to be informative, to the poets that are taught for education, from the bible that millions follow on a daily basis to fictional novels for entertainment. On one hand, Literature is all around and can be extremely influential, informative and enlightening. On the other hand, literature can be dangerous and also a source of controversy.The aim of this essay is to explore some of the key writers that portray this. Literature in itself takes on two main roles in society. The first is an active role. This could mean that the literature itself is inspirational and effective towards society. The second is a passive role. This meaning that the literature itself is there but not necessarily crucial to create a real impact on today’s civilisation. Either way, this only emphasi ses the fact that the writer’s role, whether passive or not is important. The role of the active writer is extremely significant.A powerful example of this is that of William Shakespeare (1564-1616). The role that Shakespeare took on in society was ultimately very influential. The fact that his works are still studied in schools and colleges to this day, almost four hundred years after his death and that he is still thought of as one of the greatest poets and playwrights in history portrays the importance of his works. Shakespeare’s plays are still performed in theatres worldwide and his house still stands in Stratford-upon-Avon and is now considered a landmark.There are many reasons as to why Shakespeare was so influential, one of which being his influence on the modern language. Many of the phrases that are still used to day were adapted from a number of Shakespeare’s plays. Another of these reasons is Shakespeare’s ability to write a dialogue. The dept h and skill that Shakespeare was able to describe the setting of his plays, the compelling characters that he created and the script the actors were to use made each of the scenes flow fluidly and also made the story easy for the audience to follow.One of Shakespeare’s plays in particular stands out amongst the rest purely because of the main character, this play is Hamlet. Due to the fact that this play was written hundreds of years before the idea of psychology, Shakespeare’s characterisation of Hamlet is extraordinary in itself. â€Å"Tis not alone my inky cloak, good-mother, Nor customary suits of solemn black †¦ Together with all forms, moods, shows of grief that can denote me truly. † The idea of a character that is so completely consumed by his grief and obsession with death is unheard of in any other works of the time.Another example is the renowned novelist Charles Dickens (1812-1870). Although Dickens’ literature was chronologically later t han that of Shakespeare, his work was no less influential. He is identified as the one of the best writers of the Victorian era and one hundred and forty years after his death, Dickens’ novels such as ‘Oliver Twist’ and ‘A Christmas Carol’, like that of Shakespeare, are still also taught in schools and colleges, films are also made and re-made of his novels and are still performed in theatres.Dickens writing is prominent due to, firstly, his ability as a story teller. His works are highly entertaining, yet the subjects that Dickens touches on maintains the ability to capture the empathy of the audience in a way that makes it possible that the audience understands the complex issues, without having experienced them. the parish authorities magnanimously and humanely resolved, that Oliver should be ‘farmed,’ or, in other words, that he should be despatched to a branch-workhouse some three miles off, where twenty or thirty other juvenile off enders against the poor-laws rolled about the floor all day, without the inconvenience of too much food, or too much clothing, under the parental superintendence of an elderly female who received the culprits at and for the consideration of seven pence-halfpenny per small head per week. †His observations of the imperfections of Victorian society are so well written that even though he wrote mainly of the injustices of the era, he is able to resolve the stories by creating comical and ultimately engaging storylines. This shows an expert ability to write an interesting plot without making the story too complicated for the reader to follow. In contrast to the above novelists, an example of controversy in literature is that of the author D. H Lawrence. Lawrence wrote the infamous ‘Lady Chatterley’s lover’ in 1928, which was first published in Florence, Italy.The book itself was a notorious subject as it portrays the story of a noble woman having an explicit aff air with the working class game-keeper. The deeply descriptive language and use of banned obscenities used by Lawrence to describe the sexual part of the relationship meant that it could not be published in the United Kingdom until 1960. â€Å"His lovemaking was earthy and gritty, and no wonder, as he'd misplaced his dibber earlier that day, and had to use the only suitable piece of equipment he'd had to hand in the greenhouse at the time†This piece of literature may have aroused debate amongst many people yet this still stands to be a widely recognised story of forbidden love. Even though it has only been around for the last 60 years in this country, this story in its entirety forcedly changed the perception of many on people that are very different from themselves. In conclusion, the role of the writer has established itself in today’s civilisation in many forms. Whether the novelist writes for entertainment or education, whether to touch on previously taboo subjects , or to question authority and provoke a worldwide debate, the writer’s position is prominent.A writer can follow the norm of society or can go to extremes, and in this freedom can incite a revolution. The extent of the impact of the writer and their work remains to be seen, but as it stands the effect is there whether the writer intends it or not. References for Assignment 1 – Formative assignment: discuss the role of the writer in society, with reference to specific examples. * BBC. (10, Nov 1960). Lady Chatterley's Lover Sold Out. Available: http://news. bbc. co. uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/november/10/newsid_2965000/2965194. stm. Last accessed 11/10/11 * Charles Dickens (1966). Oliver Twist. 3rd ed.United States, New York: Oxford University Press. Chapter 2, Page 4. * Shakespeare (1992). Hamlet. New York: WSP. Act 1 scene 2 Page 4. * Jeremy Hilton. (1993). Hamlet. Available: http://shakespeare. mit. edu/. Last accessed 10/10/11. * D. H Lawrence. (2007). In: Lady Chatterley's Lover. United States: Read How You Want. * Jamieson. (2011). Hamlet Character Analysis. Available: http://shakespeare. about. com/od/hamlet/a/hamlet_char. htm. Last accessed 10/10/11. * BBC. (2011). Charles Dickens (1812-1870). Available: http://www. bbc. co. uk/history/historic_figures/dickens_charles. shtml. Last accessed 10/10/11.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Reactions to Imprisonment Essay

When an individual is subjected to being incarcerated for a significant amount of their life, that person once released has had a life experience, which impacts them greatly. Whether that impact is prosperous or not depends on the individual. While imprisoned some allow themselves to take advantage of their time by learning form their mistakes, while others utilize their time by becoming more mischievous. A prime example of someone who received a positive impact form being imprisoned is Socrates Fortlow of Walter Mosley’s Always Outnumbered, Always Outgunned, this specific individual learned to be zealous, compassionate and resourceful throughout his twenty-seven year sentence in jail. From Socrates release from jail he has displayed an extremely zealous outlook on life. As a man seeking employment, Socrates zealous personality is the key factor in him receiving a job at Bounty Supermarket for boxing and delivering groceries. â€Å"I been down there ev’ry day for five days, an ev’ry day I go in there I ask ’em if they got my okay from the head office yet†, is how Socrates explained his persistent attempt to his friend Stony Wile. As a lower class, African American, ex-convict, Socrates is not the ideal candidate for employment. One would believe that without his zealous attitude he would not have been able to obtain the job he took such pride in executing. Socrates also made a zealous attempt to modify his violent behavior. â€Å"For years he gave himself a grade everyday. Anytime he wrote down failure somebody had been hurt by those big rock-breaking hands.† Socrates found himself in physical confrontations only when he felt it was necessary. He even attempted to apply physical intimidation to beneficial use. Socrates â€Å"†¦swore to himself that he’d never hurt another person – except if he had to for self-preservation.† Therefore Socrates’ zealous attitude served as an aid for him throughout numerous aspects of his life. Compassionate is the descriptive word that comes to mind when contemplating the acts of this â€Å"†¦convicted murderer†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Socrates compassion is especially demonstrated when he saves a stray dog and nursed him back to health after an uncaring driver hit the dog. In contrast of what many may think about ex-convicts, this one in particular has a caring heart and reached is out not only to Bruno, the stray canine but also his friend Right Burke. Right Burke was suffering from cancer and his days were limited. Mr. Fortlow did his best to make this suffering mans last days as comfortable and enjoyable as he could. Although not a wealthy man, Socrates used his heart and his mind to initiate his goals. He not only reached his heart out to Right but also to a troubled adolescent named Darryl. â€Å"He wanted to reach out to the blubbering child and tell him that it was okay†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Socrates was the only father Darryl had in his life, so Socrates did his best to show Darryl how to be a man. He looked out for Darryl’s interest the best way he knew how. Although it’s been said in order for a person to be able to murder they have to have a lack of compassion, Socrates incarceration rehabilitated him into a man full of compassion. Being resourceful is a personality attribute that at person with limited finances and an incarcerated individual will quickly obtain. Socrates showed his resourceful nature by actions such as cooking a whole meal on only a hot plate and restoring â€Å"†¦ round dinette table, with three broken legs, lying in the street† into new condition. Mr. Fortlow also tended to himself when he was cut with a broken bottle by cleansing out the wound and sewing up his ripped up coat. Socrates resourcefulness has been a prosperous effect of his imprisonment. This effect enabled Socrates to conserve his funds on things that were not necessities. â€Å"He took a bag of leftovers home at the end of every week from the store.† These were items that a financially stable person would turn their nose up at, but for someone less fortunate such as Socrates they were gourmet foods. One would tend to believe without Socrates resourceful nature, survival would’ve been made much more of a nuisance. A man attempting to survive in a lower class neighborhood needs certain characteristics in order to survive. One would infer that Socrates was able to obtain these attributes through his twenty-seven year imprisonment. Socrates Fortlow was zealous, compassionate and resourceful and without these characteristics he would not have been able to survive.